Welcome to our expat directory. Here you’ll find a comprehensive resource of companies that meet all expat needs. From visa application support, financial advice and tax services through to relocation experts, educational facilities and help learning a language, if you’re looking for companies that are either run by expatriates or helping expatriates, you’ll find them all here. You can find out more below.

Abacus Financial Services

Abacus Financial Services
Business Name
Abacus Financial Services
Business Description

Have you ever onboarded with a new service and needed to reach out to their call center with a question? It's always a different person with no idea who you are, what you need or why you even chose their product or service making it a long irritating conversation. Do you want the same when you seek tax assistance? We think not….

Since 1993 we've offered highly personalized, year round, remote tax services to US citizens nationwide and abroad. We are Americans (Located in Delaware) serving Americans regardless of their location. Individual tax preparation is provided by Enrolled Agents, federally licensed with the Internal Revenue Service. Business tax preparation is provided by Certified Public Accountants. Plus so much more....

Send us a message and request a callback at your convenience. We are ready to answer your questions, arrange consults with staff and walk you through additional website resources. Hope to hear from you....



Business Name
Business Description

GoExpat.com is a comprehensive online platform designed to cater to the needs of individuals navigating the intricacies of living, working, or studying abroad. This innovative website offers a wealth of resources, services, and community support.

Nobel International Movers

Nobel International Movers
Business Name
Nobel International Movers
Business Description

Nobel Van Lines was established in 2004 as a family owned moving business, and started in Miami, Florida. Today we operate all over the US. Nobel Van Lines takes much pride in securing all our clients with a superb moving experience. With an outstanding number of clientele such as referral clients, corporate offices and repeat customers, we understand your moving needs.

Nobel Van Lines understands how difficult and stressful moving; therefore, we strive to assure the best moving performance. Since choosing us as your movers is paramount to guaranteeing a well performed move, you’ll be glad to know Nobel Van Lines is fully licensed and insured.

Please note that these directory listings have been compiled completely separately from our independently written relocation guides and companies that feature in our directory listings may, or may not, appear within our writer’s recommended expat service providers. All advice and information provided within each of our destination guides is completely independent. We do not accept advertising or payment of any kind in return for positive coverage in those guides but may do so for companies that feature within this directory.
