In order to drive in the Netherlands you must have third party driving insurance (autoverzekering); if you own your own vehicle, you will be required to take out liability insurance as well. While you are not required to insure your own vehicle, you should know that this third party liability insurance only covers the damage that you could potentially do with your car. In other words, it does not cover any damage that might happen to your car or what is inside. You can, however, opt for a supplemental insurance that covers all risks to the car (though not its contents), which is called cascodekking.
Car insurance in the Netherlands is rather expensive, compared to other European countries, and you might even end up paying as much as twice as much as you are used to, especially if you choose to take out insurance that is all-inclusive (meaning it covers damage to your car as well as any damage you might inflict upon other cars or public property). Therefore, it is generally not recommended to take out this supplementary insurance if your car is more than five years old. The amount you will have to pay is calculated based on approximately how many miles you will drive each year, the value of your car, the weight of your car and the kind of fuel your car takes. Also, in many cases, women end up paying lower insurance rates than men, so it might be worth looking into insuring your car under a female family member’s name, if that is an option that is legitimate in your personal situation.
Insurance Website:
This site is mostly in Dutch, but you can call to speak to customer service representatives (who speak English), who will be able to direct you to car insurance companies who will provide you with the service and information that you need.
Main Insurers:
BOVAG Autoverzekering Tel: 0900-0234
Driessen & Rappange Verzekeringen
Prinsengracht 255/259
1016 GV Amsterdam
Tel: 020-5312345