Supermarket Chains & Food Shopping Options in Bangkok
Bangkok has many superstores and hypermarkets. These huge buildings, unconstrained by zoning laws, make for convenient shopping for Thai families and also offer plenty of opportunities to idle the time away or enjoy a meal in one of the adjourning restaurants. There are three large chains in Bangkok, with branches throughout the city.
Tesco Lotus (
Tesco Lotus is a huge hypermarket chain that has everything you could possibly need in stock. They are mostly found in the suburbs, but there are a few in the CBD, including a store right next to On Nut BTS. Tesco Lotus has a well-assorted store including fresh seafood, fish and meats. Both Thai, Asian and Japanese products are available. Price level is low and the hypermarkets get quite crowded sometimes, particularly on weekends. Tesco is probably the most popular hyperstore with Thais.
Big C ( which in 2010 bought the operations of Carrefour in Thailand and Makro ( offers Thai and Western goods as well as wholesale items, furniture, clothing and electronic goods. They are more common on the outskirts of the Central Business District as they take up lots of space. Big C claims to have the lowest prices, which just may be true. Makro is popular with working-class Thais particularly because of the bulk discounts.