Mail Order Guide Cape Town sells books, music, DVD’s, electronics, photographic equipment, jewelry, flowers, magazines and other such items, and has a next-day delivery service for selected items (see It works much the same way as, and, being owned by Naspers, the biggest media conglomerate in the country, is generally considered to be very reliable.
Visit or contact the customer support center on 021 468 9200.
Open Hours: 8:00 to 18:00, Monday to Friday, and 08:00 till 14:00 on Saturdays
Pick ‘n’ Pay
Pick ‘n’ Pay offers an excellent online shopping service, delivering groceries, wine and liquor, gifts, flowers and general merchandise at a cost of only R55.
Visit or contact the help centre on 0860 30 30 30.
Open Hours: 08:00 to 21:00, Monday to Saturday, 09:00 to 16:30 on Sundays and Public Holidays.