If you are considering looking for property in Los Angeles area, you may want to become familiar with some basic real estate terms so that you may have a smooth and strategic home search. There is a vast market out there, with all types of housing, agents, and prices. First thing is first for someone who is new to the Los Angeles real estate scene, learn the lingo! Below you will find some of the basic terminology and abbreviations that will help you to find your new dream home!
Listings in LA mention the number of bathrooms and bedrooms, the square-foot size of the property, the square foot size of the exterior property, the age of the property, the architectural style of the property, and additional features such as, type of flooring, number of fireplaces, gym, swimming pool, and view, etc.
- AC or A/C: air conditioning
- appls: appliances
- ba: bathroom
- br: bedroom or bedrooms
- CA, CAC, CH and C/VAC: central air, central air conditioning, central heat and central vacuum
- cp: carport
- d/d: dishwasher and garbage disposal unit
- det: detached
- dr/fdr: dining room, formal dining room
- FSBO: for sale by owner
- grt rm: great room
- HUD: Department of Housing and Urban Development
- la: living area
- lr: living room
- ofc: office
- osp: off-street parking
- rf: roof
- sf: square feet
- w/d or wd: washer/dryer
- aek: all electric kitchen
- cath ceil: cathedral ceiling
- c-d-s: cul de sac
- eik: eat-in kitchen
- f/fin bsmt: fully finished basement
- fin w/o: finished walk-out
- fplc/fp or wbfp: fireplace, wood-burning fireplace
- grmet kit: gourmet kitchen
- hdwd or h/w: hardwood floors
- neg: price is negotiable
- oh: open house
- owc: owner will compromise
- pl, sp or s/p: swimming pool
- q pos: quick possession
- smart: a computer controls the lights, appliances, heat, cooling and alarm
- spac: spacious
- wic: walk-in closet
- vus: views