
7 Reasons to Travel to Jordan

Jordan has a rich culture, history, and natural beauty. Beautiful desert landscapes, cities, and ancient ruins can be found throughout the country, so visiting them during your lifetime is important. A trip to Jordan will not disappoint and will be memorable, especially since one of the world’s seven wonders, Petra, is located there. It is such an amazing place.

travel to jordan

1. History

The most renowned historical site in Jordan, Petra, is a marvel that draws countless tourists. This UNESCO World Heritage Site, one of the world’s seven wonders, is a testament to Jordan’s ancient past. The journey to Petra is as intriguing as the destination, with a walk through a stunning canyon leading to a site carved into a sandstone cliff. Jordan is also home to other captivating historical sights, including Jerash, Amman, Madaba, Qasr Bashir, and Wadi Rum.

One can’t overstate the amount of history that can easily be found in Jordan. I especially loved the Crusader castles and loved the local culture.

2. One of the Safest Countries in the Middle East

Despite neighbouring countries experiencing war and unrest, the Kingdom of Jordan has remained safe and peaceful, making it a secure place for tourists. When arriving in Jordan, you will notice royal guards guarding tourist hot spots. With tourists being one of the largest income sources for this country, Jordan has heavily prioritized protecting those who visit. With strict rules and punishments in Jordan, there is a low chance you will experience trouble.

Given recent events, the region is a little on edge, but the government “runs a tight ship”, and you will find it is very safe there. The government takes tourist safety and security very seriously.

3. Significance to Christianity

Despite Jordan being a majority Muslim country, there is a Christian community because religious sites mentioned in the bible can be found within this country. All religions are tolerated in Jordan, and we suggest visiting the Jordan River (Baptism Site of Jesus), Herod’s castle, and Mount Nebo (Moses memorial). There is also the Christian town of Madaba, which can be found outside Amman, and many well-preserved churches exist. The most famous one is Saint George’s Church, which has a mosaic map that dates back to 560 CE.

travel to jordan

4. The Dead Sea

Swimming in the Dead Sea is the ultimate spa experience since it has mineral-rich mud and high-salinity water. Many luxury resorts like Kempinski Hotel Ishtar can be found along its shore. The water has such a high concentration of salt that it is impossible to sink; you will only float. With its peaceful environment and landscape, the Dead Sea is a beautiful place to relax.

There are some excellent hotels on the Dead Sea coast and they offer excellent rates, accommodations and activities for tourists.

5. Wadi Rum

This desert is home to many famous movies, such as Dune, John Wick, and Lawrence of Arabia. It has many mountains, dunes, natural arches, and red sand, making it the perfect place for memorable photographs and one of the most breathtaking destinations in Jordan. Those looking to escape busy tourist sites and the city will find Wadi Rum peaceful and quiet. A guide will be assigned to take you through the desert, where you will hike, cook, and sleep in a tent.

travel to jordan

6. Amman

When visiting Jordan, it is crucial to travel to the capital city of Amman, which has a mix of old and new architecture. Make sure to visit the city’s highest point, since you will find the archeological site known as the Citadel. This site is home to the Umayyad Palace and contains what remains of the Temple of Hercules. From this viewpoint, you can see the entire city, including the crowds and cars. When walking or driving through the city, you will encounter cafes, souvenir shops, cafes, and street-food vendors serving you delicious food, such as knafeh, Shawarma, and falafel.

7. Cheap Flights

While travelling to a different continent is pricy, airline companies now have offers that can give you great deals with a bit of searching. For example, just recently, a flight from London to Amman was $116, while a flight from Rome was $112. If you do not live in Europe, you can save money by adding a connecting flight within this continent to make your trip to Jordan cheaper.

From ancient and cultural sites to natural beauty, Jordan offers a unique travel experience you will never forget. Whether you’re going there to explore its ancient history, travel through the desert, or see the cities, Jordan has a variety of tourist sites that will attract many tourists.

Medical Coverage for Tourists in Jordan

Make sure to purchase travel medical insurance to avoid large medical bills. Purchasing this will give you the right medical services, such as emergency care and treatment of illnesses, and ensure you get what’s best for your health. This purchase can also open the door for hospital stays, essential health services, and visits to the doctor, which will not severely affect your income. T

he purchase of emergency travel health coverage will give you proper healthcare access and will make you less stressed about encountering a medical emergency.

Written By Mark T, A Student Based In Canada