Other Transport Services in Auckland
Its location on the Waitamata Harbor waterfront makes Auckland City an ideal place for water transport. The North Shore communities of Devonport, Birkenhead, Bayswater, Northcote Point and Stanley Bay, as well as Half Moon Bay, Waiheke Island, West Harbour, Pine Harbour and Gulf Harbour, all have regular ferry transport to the CBD. Ferries also travel to recreational destinations like the Tiri Tiri Matangi bird sanctuary, Great Barrier Island and Rangitoto Island.
From the CBD, commuter fares range from $5.40 for a round trip to and from Devonport up to $15.10 for a one-way ticket to or from Gulf Harbour. Discounted monthly passes are available. Tickets to recreational destinations are more expensive, although family fares are usually available. Tickets are available at the ferry terminals or can be purchased online. Ferries primarily run to and from the CBD, although the Bayswater ferry occasionally stops in Birkenhead. For route and time information, go to http://www.fullers.co.nz or http://www.maxx.co.nz.
Bicycles are an extremely popular mode of transportation in Auckland, especially along the Tamaki Drive waterfront and on the numerous bike trails that cross the city. Auckland cyclists take their mode of transportation very seriously – you rarely see a cyclist without a helmet and special biking attire, and automobile drivers frequently complain about being forced to share the road with large packs of cyclists. For cyclists’ own safety, it is always best to use cycle lanes where possible as other road users in Auckland tend to be highly intolerant of cyclists. For maps of Auckland’s bike lanes, go to http://www.aucklandtransport.govt.nz. For safety information and rules of the road, go to http://cyclingauckland.co.nz/rules.
Car Sharing
Most bus lanes in Auckland allow access to cars with multiple passengers, as a result car pooling has become quite popular with commuters. Several websites have been set up to help people find others who wish to share their journey in to work, two of the most popular are http://www.jayride.co.nz and http://www.carpoolnz.org/.