Paris Pharmacies Guide

Pharmacies are recognized by their green neon cross outside, which will be lit when the shop is open. They are not general service shops. All products have to do with health, such as prescription and over-the-counter medicine, skin preparations, suntan lotions, and tooth brushes. Most also carry homeopathic remedies.

Pharmacists are highly trained and extremely knowledgeable about medications, of which there are many, since French physicians tend to medicate heavily. You can feel very comfortable asking advice on minor ailments and illnesses from your local pharmacy as they will be able to recommend reliable and appropriate treatment. They can also perform emergency first aid and recommend doctors. All medication is kept behind the counter, so be prepared to ask for what you need whether it is a head-ache pill, allergy remedy, or box of band-aides.

The pharmacy in each neighborhood should display a placard indicating the nearest night and Sunday pharmacy. On a case-by-case basis, they may honor prescriptions from foreign doctors but this is very uncertain.


Name Contact Remarks
Pharmacy Swann 6, rue de Castiglione 75001 English/American prescriptions and equivalent French dosages
Pharmacie Anglaise des Champs-Elysees 62 avenue des Champs-Elysees 75008
American and British pharmaceuticals and French equivalents. Open daily until midnight.
Pharmacie Dehry 84 avenue des Champs-Elysees 75008
Open 24 hours. English-speaking staff.
Publicis Drugstore 133 avenue des Champs-Elysees 75008
Open 24 hours. All pharmacists are bilingual and speak about 10 languages between them all.
Pharmacie Europeenne 6, place de Clichy 75009
Open 24 hours.
British-American Pharmacy 1 rue Auber 75009
British and American products.
Pharmacie des Arts 106 boulevard du Montparnasse 75014
English-speaking pharmacists. Open until midnight; Sunday until 10pm.
Anglo-American Pharmacy 37 Avenue Marceau 75016
English-speaking staff.
Pharmacie de la Place de la Republique 5 Place Republique 75003
Staff speaks English, Arabic and Mandarin.
Pharmacie de la Porte Maillot 68 Avenue de la Grande Armée 75017
Open 24 hours