Looking for a Job in Los Angeles
There is no specific visa available for people who are looking for a job in the United States. According to US immigration law, you must already have a job and be sponsored by your company to legally enter the US to work. Most people who are seeking employment in the US arrive on a visitor’s visa which allows 3-6 months for a job search. Please keep in mind that if you do find employment, you will have to return to your home country to apply for a receive a work visa.
If you are visiting the US for business temporarily, you can stay up to 6 months with B-1 visa. If your home country is included in the 36 countries that participate in the Visa Waiver Program, you may be able to visit US for up to 90 days without obtaining a visa. If not, you will be required to show the following in order to obtain the B-1 or B-2 visa. Please see “You want to go on reconnaissance” for more information.
- The business purpose is legitimate
- You have a residence outside the US and your stay in the US is temporary,
- You have enough funds to cover your expenses involving your stay in the US, etc.
The Visa Waiver Program
Citizens of the 36 countries listed below are able to travel to the USA for tourism or business for stays of 90 days without needing to obtain a visa. This program is known as the Visa Waiver Program and it was instituted in 1986 to facilitate travel between the US and certain countries. Eligible citizens of Visa Waiver countries can also apply for the requisite visa if they want to work or study in the US. Before they travel to the US these VWP travelers have to apply for authorization through the Electronic System of Travel Authorization (ESTA) three days before their journey. These travelers are then screened at their port of entry to the US and are enrolled in the Department of Homeland Security’s US-VISIT program. For more info on ESTA, visit https://esta.cbp.dhs.gov/esta/
Andorra, Iceland, Norway, Australia, Ireland, Portugal, Austria, Italy, San Marino, Belgium, Japan, Singapore, Brunei, Latvia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Liechtenstein, Slovenia, Denmark, Lithuania, South Korea, Estonia, Luxembourg, Spain, Finland, Malta, Sweden, France, Monaco, Switzerland, Germany, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Hungary, Greece and New Zealand are the thirty six countries who participate in the visa waiver program with the USA.
For more information, visit: http://www.uscis.gov/