This is an extremely useful article detailing the five most important tips for future expats. It is written by an experienced travel and expat writer and we hope that you will find it useful in your global nomad journey abroad as an expatriate. Also, it is a short article so can be read any time, anywhere.
Important tips for future expats
1. Don’t isolate yourself
Go out and meander around the weekend market or take your book to the local bar. You may feel like sitting at home and huddling in bed with a Netflix comedy but forcing yourself outdoors increases your chances of forming a connection. All it takes is one person showing you kindness for your time abroad to be transformed.
2. Make the most of social media
Join online forums and Facebook groups and don’t be shy to ask for advice or organize meet-ups. Often you will find there are lots of others in your exact shoes who have been holding out for someone to make the first move.
3. Expectations are resentments in the making
Some lucky expats move abroad, instantly get a great job, find a city center apartment and meet a bunch of like-minded people quickly. Other global citizens get hit with loneliness as they struggle to make friends and their inbox fills up with rejection letter after rejection letter from job applications. You don’t know how your experience will pan out and whilst it’s wise to move countries equipped with a positive attitude, try and let go of any expectations as to what the experience will or should entail.
4. Strive for minimalism when living abroad
Anyone who has ever moved countries will attest to the “less is more” theory. Before properly settling in your new country, you will likely have to move between quite a few apartments and lugging endless baggage and belongings will make that process far harder. Besides, the less you bring with you, the more you can purchase unique overseas goods. When you move abroad, buying your furniture and otherworldly goods might be much less than moving your stuff abroad.
5. Don’t book a trip home too soon
If moving abroad is proving more difficult than you anticipated, resist the temptation to moving your stuff abroad home too soon. The contrast between your new, unformed life and the familiar, home comforts might make you question why you ever dared to move in the first instance.
A final Thought for Future International Citizens!
We would be remiss to not mention that your health when living abroad is vital. Most domestic health plans, including those provided by governments, will not cover you when you are living abroad. While medical care can be inexpensive in many developing countries, the costs associated with an unforseen medical emergency or chronic medical condition can be very high.
Your financial future can be severely impacted, so we recommend that global citizens purchase international health insurance before moving abroad to a new destination, usually within 45 days of your flight. Most global health plans will include some in-patient care, but allow you the option to get out-patient medical coverage that includes wellness and prescriptions. Medical evacuation coverage is vital if you will live in a developing country with limited medical facilities. Finally, some plans will allow you to choose your area of coverage, usually global excluding or including the USA.