Expat Book Review : How to be a Global Grandparent

If you have retired abroad or live overseas then you may be interested in a book for expatriate grandparents that identifies how you can ensure that you don’t drift apart from your family members when they move abroad. How to be a Global Gra...

A Comprehensive Guide to the International Baccalaureate

Guide to the International Baccalaureate Yesterday we took a look at some of the fees you can expect to encounter when educating your child in a private international school. If you missed it you can find the article here: The price you can expect ...

The Price You Can Expect to Pay for Expatriate Education

Ensuring that your child gets access to top quality expat education should be a priority for all expat parents and for this reason many expat opt for private international schools when living overseas. Internationals schools do cost a lot more mon...

Repatriating Without Tears: 5 Ways You Can Help Your Child to Deal With Reverse Culture Shock

When they first hear that they will be moving overseas many expatriate parents spend a great deal of time planning their move abroad and ensuring that every member of their family is mentally prepared for the reverse culture shock. However, while the...

The Top Eight Expat Concerns According to HSBC

HSBC’s Expat Explorer research provides great insights into life overseas as an expat. Based on a survey of 4,100 expats living throughout the world during the months of April and June 2010, the research reveals a great deal about the practical and...