8 Useful Apps for Expats Living in Hong Kong

Smartphone applications offer expatriates a great way to navigate a new country. If you're looking to find your way around, locate an ideal restaurant for dinner or learn the local language in Hong Kong then this selection of applications may be just...

A Comprehensive Guide to the International Baccalaureate

Guide to the International Baccalaureate Yesterday we took a look at some of the fees you can expect to encounter when educating your child in a private international school. If you missed it you can find the article here: The price you can expect ...

The Price You Can Expect to Pay for Expatriate Education

Ensuring that your child gets access to top quality expat education should be a priority for all expat parents and for this reason many expat opt for private international schools when living overseas. Internationals schools do cost a lot more mon...

6 Innocent Hand Gestures That Can Land You in Hot Water Overseas

One of the biggest challenges facing many expatriates as they attempt to fit into life in a new country concerns getting to grips with the local culture. When you relocate to a country that has different rules and customs from your own country there ...

Being a male trailing spouse – a stay at home dad speaks out

More and more men are now following their wife or partner around the world and are finding a whole different lifestyle to adapt to, many of these are also bringing up children. Jay who writes the very forthright blog English Dad in Moscow has given...