What Every Expat Should Understand About Foreign Currency

One of the biggest areas that many expatriates overlook is the effect that foreign currency exchange rates can have on the quality of their lives once they have moved overseas. Currency movements can make a big difference to your earnings potential, ...

Repatriating Without Tears: 5 Ways You Can Help Your Child to Deal With Reverse Culture Shock

When they first hear that they will be moving overseas many expatriate parents spend a great deal of time planning their move abroad and ensuring that every member of their family is mentally prepared for the reverse culture shock. However, while the...

8 Things Every US Expat Should Research Before Moving Overseas

If you’re planning on leaving the United States to sample life overseas there’s a number of things that you should research in advance in order to ensure that you avoid some of the common pitfalls that many U.S. expatriates have fallen into. H...