Happy Christmas From The Expat Info Desk

It’s that time of year again, my how time flies! As expatriates all over the world prepare to fly home for a Christmas reunion with their loved ones, or sample the delights of a local Christmas in their host country, we would like to take this oppo...

7 Fantastic Reasons Why You Should Pack up and Relocate Overseas

If you are considering international relocation but seem to be able to formulate more reasons why you should stay at home than why you should move overseas, then let us step in and provide you with some reasons why moving abroad may be the best thi...

Expatriate Insurance: International Health Insurance & Expat Life Insurance

Expatriate insurance is not always top of everyone’s list when it comes to planning a move overseas. During the initial stages of a move, abroad many expats focus their attention on the exciting elements of moving overseas, such as where they will...