Ten Things That Will Help Get Settled as an Expat

So you’ve landed in your new home, your suitcases and boxes are (mostly…) unpacked, and you’re ready to begin your big adventure! Don’t feel too overwhelmed - we’ve got ten great tips to help you get settled as an expat in those first days ...

Five Recession-Proof Destinations for Expats

Because we live in a global and fully integrated economy, recessions never occur in pure isolation from one another. In this scenario you must be willing to find about recession-proof destinations for expats. What occurs in one region of the earth ca...

Top 5 Reasons to Make New Expat Friends Overseas

Knowing a few people in your new host destination can be a big advantage. It is especially important if you are moving abroad as a first-time expat. Making expat friends with fellow expats from your home country is a great way to settle in a foreign ...

Tips for Expat Parents with Autistic Children Living Abroad

With the big move finally behind you, the next step is making sure your child with autism settles into their new home and routine. Your child may find all the changes overwhelming. Here are a few tips for expat parents with autistic children, to help...

Top 5 Tips for Managing Expat Children’s Education Abroad

For young children, moving schools and settling in a completely new environment can be extremely challenging and overwhelming. Being uprooted from all the comforts back home, children may have a hard time coping with the new environment and education...

What do expats need to know about a Covid-19 passport?

If you are a global nomad that country-hops whilst working from a laptop, then the coronavirus pandemic will have significantly altered your international lifestyle. Most countries closed their borders months ago to stop the spread of the virus and t...

Tips for Expat Dating Abroad

Living in a foreign country can be an exciting thing you can do. But, it might be a bit overwhelming as well. You will come across new people instantly, and making a completely new social circle could be challenging, especially during the pandemic wh...