Because such a wide variety of people gather in Toronto from all around the world, it’s difficult to outline any sort of “local customs” that should be followed. Torontonians are generally laid-back and friendly, but living in a large urban area does have its own set of defense mechanisms. Expect your average Torontonian to be polite, but not overly magnanimous when approached.
- It is a good idea not to engage with children that you don’t know without first making sure the parents approve of any interaction.
- When asking for directions, it’s best to have a map or address handy. This will indicate to the person you are asking that you require help. Please bear in mind that Toronto is a huge city, and citizens might not be familiar with all the side streets and nooks and crannies.
- One thing about Toronto is that everyone is in a hurry. It’s a good idea not to impede the progress of someone who’s on the go, particularly during peak times when the work day is just beginning or coming to an end.
- When using escalators in Toronto, it is customary to stand to the right, if you are choosing not to climb. This will prevent blocking the way from people who are in more of a hurry.
- Toronto shows its puritan roots when it comes to style of dress. While it is, technically, not illegal for both men and woman to go topless in Toronto, it is generally frowned upon in most public areas, particularly if there are children present.
- Physical space is important to your average Torontonian, try not to stand too close or act in too intimate a manner with people you have just met.
- Finally, Torontonians, like all Canadians, pride themselves on their politeness. Saying please and thank you is always appreciated when dealing with your fellow humans in Canada.