Emergency Services 9-1-1 (from the City of Vancouver website)
If you have an emergency, there are three kinds of help you can ask for: Police, Fire and Ambulance.
You can ask for any of these three services by calling one telephone number: 9-1-1. Calling 9-1-1 will bring help to you or those who need help very fast.
Make sure that everyone in the family, including children, knows how and when to dial 9-1-1. Write your address by the phone, so that your family can say it fast in an emergency.
When you dial 9-1-1, you will be asked whether you want Police, Fire, or Ambulance. Tell the operator which service you need, and give your name and address. Try to give as much information to the operator as you can. If you don’t speak English, tell the operator in English what language you speak. The operator will find an interpreter to come on line to help with interpretation. It may take a short while. Stay on the line while the operator tries to connect you with an interpreter.
Calling 9-1-1 for police and fire help does not cost money. Police and fire services are paid for through Vancouver property taxes. There is a cost, however, for ambulance service, which is a provincial health service. For information on ambulance service, call Toll Free: 1-800-665-7199.